Corporate Area

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The Fundación Ernesto Ventós is also concerned to make its actions in relation to the perception and experience of smell available to the corporate sector, with a range of proposals in which olfactory experience and the experience of art are given the maximum prominence. These proposals will be developed and expanded in keeping with our foundation’s core objective of “helping us learn to smell through art.”.

Create your own olfactory palette and chromatic signature

Create your own olfactory palette and chromatic signature. Notes, olfactory families and chords

This workshop sets out to present the world of smells and the sense of smell itself through the art of NASEVO, by way of a number of his works, and introduce you to the different olfactory families in the perfumer’s repertoire through some of the paintings and sculptures in his collection.
In the final part of the session you will prepare your own palette of colours / smells / emotions and will be able to create an olfactory chord which will be your personal olfactory signature.


For NASEVO, the palette of colours and the palette of smells are a single palette.
We invite you create your own palette, associating each colour with a particular smell and also with a mood, emotion or image.

+ information

LENGTH: Opción exprés= 3 horas, opción completa= 6 horas
FORMATO: En la Colònia Güell (Barcelona) o en tu empresa
PRICE: 6 hour workshop €120 + lunch (optional) €20

Dadaism, NASEVO and the chords in perfumery

NASEVO divided the art world into works which have a smell and works which don’t, and declared that only modern art – beginning with the avant-garde movements of the early 20th century – has a smell. And though there are no works of this period in his collection, and his own work as an artist is obviously much later, we can find inspiration in this movement to help us understand how he understood visual art and the world of perfume.


A series of images of paintings and sculptures by NASEVO will provide the inspiration to create chords that do not strive to be beautiful but to exalt the spirit of liberty and provocation on the basis of spontaneity and the concept of chance.

+ information

LENGTH: 3 hours
FORMAT: at the Colònia Güell (Barcelona) or on your company premises
PRICE: €80

Art, Smells and Mindfulness

Mindfulness, in the sense of non-judgemental attention to the present moment, invites us to become aware of what is happening inside us through our experience of the here and now.
The session proposes a very interesting dynamic of inward and outward listening as a means of attending to all that happens inside us in terms of the stimuli that come from outside. This process is fundamental in gaining closer contact with our senses in an attentive and mindful manner.


«Art, smells and mindfulness» aims to bring us into full unmediated contact with NASEVO’s art. We will begin with a meditation session centred on the senses and focusing our attention on each of them in turn before engaging with each work, making that same journey through the senses as observers of everything that starts to take place within us: our bodily sensations, emotions and the thoughts that arise as we come into contact with each piece.

+ information

LENGTH: 6 horas
FORMAT: at the Colònia Güell (Barcelona) or on your company premises
PRICE: €120 lunch (optional) €20

Introduction to perfumery by way of NASEVO’s art

A number of NASEVO’s artworks will be the starting point for getting to know the different olfactory families. We will analyze the works as a basis for understanding which olfactory family or note is implicit in the work before going on to smell it and describe it in all of the ways that occur to us.


We will acquaint ourselves with the entire olfactory spectrum, family by family and note by note.
We will learn how to create an olfactory chord and find the chords that bring us closer to the way we understand art.
From there we will compose our own perfume, the scent that expresses our most creative aspect.

+ information

LENGTH: express option = 3 hours; complete option = 6 hours
FORMAT: at the Colònia Güell (Barcelona) or on your company premises
PRICE: 6 hour workshop €120 + lunch (optional) €20

Art without Words and Synaesthesia

In this workshop we take a selection of artworks by NASEVO and engage with them without using words.
The idea is for us to centre our experience in the realm of our emotions and senses, with words and reason left aside for once.
We will proceed from colours and forms to smells to discover without words the smells that mark the lived moment.


We will acquaint ourselves with the entire olfactory spectrum, family by family and note by note.
We will learn how to create an olfactory chord and find the chords that bring us closer to the way we understand art.
From there we will compose our own perfume, the scent that expresses our most creative aspect.

+ information

LENGTH: 3 hours
FORMATO: at the Colònia Güell (Barcelona) or on your company premises
PRICE: €80

By the Nose

The nose is an essential element in the NASEVO universe: huge noses, isolated noses, Caribbean noses, iron noses – as many noses as there are personalities. We will explore a number of NASEVO’s artworks to find noses that touch us and say something to us; then, having chosen just one, we will look for its referent in the world of in terms of the emotion it arouses in us and the materials and colours used to create it.


We will explore the relationship between the emotions transmitted by an artwork and the smell we associate with these emotions.
We will work with this emotion, transporting it into our olfactory memory and discovering what other connections it may have.
We will then create a chord that connects our memory, our emotions and the work Nose by NASEVO that has caused us an emotion.

+ information

LENGTH: 3 hours
FORMAT: at the Colònia Güell (Barcelona) or on your company premises
PRICE: €80

Descripción formal:
Nota olfativa: Humedad
Descripción de la nota:
agua, papel mojado, moho

Texto del autor de la obra:
De pequeña tenía un vestido verde i yo siempre lo llamaba el vestido de la lechuga, y nunca el vestido verde. No me he acordado hasta hace poco, en ver estas fotos.
El jardín de las fotos es el mismo jardín de la mi infancia, con la hiedra, los pilares y las macetas con lilas, cerrado. En inverno siempre me olvidaba que había un jardín y lo veía sólo enmarcado por las ventanas, y era en verano que me asaltaban toda esta variedad de verdes y los bichos.
Seguramente que alguna vez he vagueado entre la hiedra acabada de regar con mi vestido de lechuga (y no me he acordado hasta ahora). Que pena que nadie hiciese fotos.
Me lo imagino en medio de un gran calor de agosto, como cuando hice estas.
En medio de un calor que hace olor.

Descripción general:
Autor de la obra: AGRELA, ANGELES
Año de la obra: 2000
Modalidad: Fotografia

Descripción formal:
Nota olfativa: Champan/Aromas
Descripción de la nota:
licorosa, fiesta, espuma

Texto del autor de la obra:

El perfume es el confeti del olfato.

Joan Brossa

Descripción general:

Autor de la obra: BROSSA, JOAN
Año de la obra: 1995
Modalidad: Escultura

Descripción formal:
Nota olfativa: Floral
Descripción de la nota:
geranio, rosa, lilas, clavel, violeta, madreselva, jacinto

Texto del autor de la obra:

Disparo de flor (Título aleatorio)

Hay olores que ni la imaginación nos autoriza a poder gozar…¿Qué es un disparo de flor? ¿El sueño de una semilla? ¿Huele un deseo? Hay artistas que intentan decir aquello que todavía no saben…

Antoni LLena

Descripción general:
Autor de la obra: LLENA, ANTONI
Año de la obra: 1992
Modalidad: Escultura

Descripción formal:
Nota olfativa: Agreste-herbácea
Descripción de la nota:
lavanda, espliego, romero,  laurel, salvia, tomillo, orégano, apio, comino

Texto del autor de la obra:

Olor, presencia del rostro.
Rostro, bañado de ojos.
Ojos abiertos, que lloran.
Lloran lágrimas complejas de olor.
Olor a sal.
Sal del Mediterráneo.
Mediterráneo ya, vivido.
Vivido dejà vu (ya visto)
Visto los ojos
Que evocan vívidos recuerdos

Descripción general:
Autor de la obra: CALVO, CARMEN
Año de la obra: 2013
Modalidad: Collage​

Nota olfativa:
Composición de la Nota olfativa:
Humo, ahumados, alquitrán de madera, abedul, labdanum, styrax.

Año de la obra: 2004/2005
Modalidad: escultura
Dimensiones (cm): 60 x 32 x 23 cm.
Material: Cartón-espinas

Nota olfativa:
Composición de la Nota olfativa:
Flores, frutas, cítricos, verde, maderas, vainilla, almizcle

Título:  LUZNAS
Año de la obra: 2015
Modalidad: escultura
Dimensiones (cm): 140 x 160 cm.
Material: Neón

Nota olfativa:
Composición de la Nota olfativa:
Verde naturaleza, floral, lino, cloros, lejías.

Año de la obra: 2004
Modalidad: escultura
Dimensiones (cm): 54 x 80 cm.
Material: Madera-poliuretano

Nota olfativa:

Composición de la Nota olfativa:
Algas marinas, pescado.

Año de la obra: 2016
Modalidad: fotografia
Dimensiones (cm): 100 x 75 cm.
Material: Fotografia-sobre base de metal