As NASEVO told us, ‘in life everything smells’, and this was immediately apparent on stepping inside his workshop, in the historic Colònia Güell factory village in Santa Coloma de Cervelló.
To enter the NASEVO workshop is to enter another dimension – an olfactory dimension, of course, in which you are suddenly surrounded by artworks in which the nose is the sole protagonist: sculptures, paintings, videos, installations … any support or medium is viable if it allows the artist to transmit, through the nasal appendage, the fact that everything smells.
Come visit us and smell!
Recinto Industrial Colonia Güell
carrer del Tint Vell (D), núm. 29
08690 Santa Coloma de Cervelló
Guided Tour (minimum 10 people)
General: €8
Reduced: €5
Disability card / Minors up to 16 years old: Free
* Reduced = Senior (+65), Teachers, Students
Visit + Workshop (minimum 10 people)
General: €12
Reduced: €8
Disability card / Minors up to 16 years old: €5
* Reduced = Senior (+65), Teachers, Students
Pre-arranged visits
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