On February 27, coinciding with World Anosmia Day, the Ernesto Ventós Foundation is pleased to present "Essences and Absences", a special event dedicated to exploring the relationship between science, art, and smell.
“Essences and Absences”: A Day of Science, Art, and Smell
On February 27, coinciding with World Anosmia Day, the Ernesto Ventós Foundation is pleased to present “Essences and Absences”, a special event dedicated to exploring the relationship between science, art, and smell, while also raising awareness about anosmia and giving visibility to this condition.
The event will take place at our headquarters in Colònia Güell, featuring a distinguished panel of experts from various disciplines:
“Living Without Smell”
Ms. Silvia Anguera, Spanish Anosmia Association
“The Brain and Aromas: Exploring the Link Between Scents, Health, and Emotions”
Dr. Laura López Mascaraque, Senior Researcher at CSIC and leader of a research group at the Cajal Institute in Madrid studying brain development.
“Smells and Behavior: Chemical Messaging at a Distance”
Dr. Andrés Clarós Blanch, Medical Doctor and Surgeon from the University of Barcelona. Specialist in Otorhinolaryngology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Barcelona.
“AromAtom: An Olfactory Journey Through the Universe”
Marina Barcenillas, Independent Perfumer.
“Desserts Worth Smelling”
Jordi Roca, pastry chef at the restaurant El Celler de Can Roca.
“Art and Perfumery”
Gregorio Sola Vela, Lifestyle Brands Perfumer at Puig.
“The Power of Smell: Preserving Scents as Cultural Heritage”
Dr. Cecilia Bembibre, University College London.
“The Man Who Confused Smell with Color. Science + Collecting + Art.”
Vicenç Altaió, poet, essayist, and trafficker of ideas.
Explore the full program and get your ticket through the following link.
Limited seats available!

Oh!pera project.
Whenever we collaborate with an institution, we try to do so from the perspective of scent. This time, we had the opportunity to collaborate within the framework of the Grec Festival of Barcelona, with the Liceu and its Òh!pera project…

What does «Genesis» smell like?
On this occasion, the Foundation has loaned the artwork titled “Libro Chino” by María Aranguren to be part of the exhibition “Génesis. María Aranguren,” produced by the Fundación Bancaja.

Smell of rose at Casa Vicens
The celebration of Santa Rita at Casa Vicens is a special occasion that combines history, art, and tradition in an emblematic setting in Barcelona. Every May 22, Casa Vicens, the first masterpiece by Antoni Gaudí, is adorned to pay homage to Santa Rita, the patron saint of impossible causes.

«La Casa del Siglo XV», y el olor del Arte Español de la segunda mitad del siglo XX
La colección olorVISUAL viaja a Segovia para formar parte de la muestra «Tendencias Artísticas en España 1950-2000”. Homenaje a la Galería “La Casa del Siglo XV»…

“¿A qué huele tu Navidad?” Una experiencia olfativa para el Centro Botín
Estas Navidades, lanzamos “¿A qué huele tu Navidad?” una propuesta olfativa específicamente creada para el Centro Botín (Santander).

Olor en el Festival Inclús
En esta ocasión, realizamos una adaptación del taller “¿Qué te recuerda este olor?” en el Caixaforum de Barcelona, actividad con la que trabajamos la memoria olfativa a través de una selección de esencias muy especiales.

El Network de las Esculturas
MásSculpture Network fue fundada en 2004 por Ralf Kirberg y Hartmut Stielow. Originalmente, la asociación fue planeada como una iniciativa europea de la organización estadounidense Centro Internacional de Escultura, pero pronto cobró vida propia.

Huele a LOOP
Más allá de lo visual es una propuesta comisariada por la Fundación Ernesto Ventós que propone un encuentro entre tres figuras referentes del mundo del arte y del coleccionismo: Frederic Marès, José Val del Omar y Ernesto Ventós.