ROMERO, Fernando M. grid_006
  • YEAR: 2016 TECHNIQUE: oil and pigment ink printing on canvas DIMENSIONS: 146 x 100 x 3 cm MODALITY: painting
  • The Grid series of paintings has its origin in the growing interest that memory and the mechanisms involved in it have acquired in my creative output in recent years. My work was already centred on the perception of reality and the reworking of it in which we are constantly engaged. However, since the loss of a very close friend three years ago, this focus has gradually shifted towards memory and recollection as a particular and extreme case of that constant construction of reality.
    The Grid series is thus an in-depth hybridization of painting and photography, a constant in my work. This back and forth between photography and painting as strategies for interpreting reality allows me to talk about the mechanisms that intervene in our perception and in the construction of our memory.
    In this particular case, the series had its origin in an image strongly linked to my memory and my personal recollections: a photograph of the tree (a false pepper tree, Schinus molle) that we planted on the ashes of my dead friend. The tree stands on a piece of land on the outskirts of Córdoba (in Encinarejo) where we used to spend summers together during our childhood and adolescence. Thus, the photographic image that engenders the series is loaded with memories and recollections on account of everything it stands for in my personal history. Starting from a highly charged image such as this, I was interested in investigating the mechanisms by which our memory constantly reinterprets that image to which we seek to refer. The objective of the series is, in a way, to map the distance between reality and the recollection we construct of this reality after it is gone.
    Although in this case I use strictly visual strategies to chart that distance and explore that trace, the mechanisms of memory are synaesthetic and smell is one of the most important triggers of memory. I am especially interested in how our memory is constructed from fragments which are reorganized and become more important as time passes. In the development of this series, starting from such a highly charged image, my memory was seething with fragments, recollections, smells and sensations of those shared experiences and that summer setting next to the Guadalquivir in which we lived so many of the things that today remain in our memory and in that false pepper tree under which I like to sit and listen, smell and remember whenever I can.
    Interestingly enough, the Schinus molle (also known as Peruvian Lentisco) is a perennial tree which produces a very fragrant resin greatly appreciated in pre-Hispanic and Andean cultures. The resin in its trunk and leaves and its pink pepper fruit were used to produce a great variety of things, from a traditional yellow dye to honey and liquor. It was also widely used in traditional medicine for its pesticidal properties. The resin and the ashes of the burnt leaves were used to embalm the dead in Andean cultures.

    Fernando M. Romero

    Descripción formal:
    Nota olfativa: Humedad
    Descripción de la nota:
    agua, papel mojado, moho

    Texto del autor de la obra:
    De pequeña tenía un vestido verde i yo siempre lo llamaba el vestido de la lechuga, y nunca el vestido verde. No me he acordado hasta hace poco, en ver estas fotos.
    El jardín de las fotos es el mismo jardín de la mi infancia, con la hiedra, los pilares y las macetas con lilas, cerrado. En inverno siempre me olvidaba que había un jardín y lo veía sólo enmarcado por las ventanas, y era en verano que me asaltaban toda esta variedad de verdes y los bichos.
    Seguramente que alguna vez he vagueado entre la hiedra acabada de regar con mi vestido de lechuga (y no me he acordado hasta ahora). Que pena que nadie hiciese fotos.
    Me lo imagino en medio de un gran calor de agosto, como cuando hice estas.
    En medio de un calor que hace olor.

    Descripción general:
    Título: CAMUFLAJE
    Autor de la obra: AGRELA, ANGELES
    Año de la obra: 2000
    Modalidad: Fotografia

    Descripción formal:
    Nota olfativa: Champan/Aromas
    Descripción de la nota:
    licorosa, fiesta, espuma

    Texto del autor de la obra:

    El perfume es el confeti del olfato.

    Joan Brossa

    Descripción general:

    Título: LA COPA DEL NAS
    Autor de la obra: BROSSA, JOAN
    Año de la obra: 1995
    Modalidad: Escultura

    Descripción formal:
    Nota olfativa: Floral
    Descripción de la nota:
    geranio, rosa, lilas, clavel, violeta, madreselva, jacinto

    Texto del autor de la obra:

    Disparo de flor (Título aleatorio)

    Hay olores que ni la imaginación nos autoriza a poder gozar…¿Qué es un disparo de flor? ¿El sueño de una semilla? ¿Huele un deseo? Hay artistas que intentan decir aquello que todavía no saben…

    Antoni LLena

    Descripción general:
    Autor de la obra: LLENA, ANTONI
    Año de la obra: 1992
    Modalidad: Escultura

    Descripción formal:
    Nota olfativa: Agreste-herbácea
    Descripción de la nota:
    lavanda, espliego, romero,  laurel, salvia, tomillo, orégano, apio, comino

    Texto del autor de la obra:

    Olor, presencia del rostro.
    Rostro, bañado de ojos.
    Ojos abiertos, que lloran.
    Lloran lágrimas complejas de olor.
    Olor a sal.
    Sal del Mediterráneo.
    Mediterráneo ya, vivido.
    Vivido dejà vu (ya visto)
    Visto los ojos
    Que evocan vívidos recuerdos

    Descripción general:
    Autor de la obra: CALVO, CARMEN
    Año de la obra: 2013
    Modalidad: Collage​

    Nota olfativa:
    Composición de la Nota olfativa:
    Humo, ahumados, alquitrán de madera, abedul, labdanum, styrax.

    Título: NASESPINES 2
    Año de la obra: 2004/2005
    Modalidad: escultura
    Dimensiones (cm): 60 x 32 x 23 cm.
    Material: Cartón-espinas

    Nota olfativa:
    Composición de la Nota olfativa:
    Flores, frutas, cítricos, verde, maderas, vainilla, almizcle

    Título:  LUZNAS
    Año de la obra: 2015
    Modalidad: escultura
    Dimensiones (cm): 140 x 160 cm.
    Material: Neón

    Nota olfativa:
    Composición de la Nota olfativa:
    Verde naturaleza, floral, lino, cloros, lejías.

    Año de la obra: 2004
    Modalidad: escultura
    Dimensiones (cm): 54 x 80 cm.
    Material: Madera-poliuretano

    Nota olfativa:

    Composición de la Nota olfativa:
    Algas marinas, pescado.

    Título: SARDINAS
    Año de la obra: 2016
    Modalidad: fotografia
    Dimensiones (cm): 100 x 75 cm.
    Material: Fotografia-sobre base de metal