PERIANES, Jorge s/t (espejo)
  • YEAR: 2017 TECHNIQUE: epoxy resin on tinted mirror and wood EDITION: 1/1 DIMENSIONS: 41 x 33 x 21 cm MODALITY: sculpture
  • Mirrors, never until now have the secrets
    of your essence been told. Blind intervals of time, perfect eyes
    of sieves that fill absences.

    Rilke, Sonnets to Orpheus

    Let’s be clear: our sense of smell has been losing functionality that our body has substituted by other senses: it is no longer essential for our survival. But is the mirror image essential? Is the conception of the real? What is the functionality of sight? ‘The scent […] was like a fragment of the past,’ Proust told us, but there is no longer emotion, and perhaps that is why there is no past, and ‘things’ no longer smell. Atrophied instincts combine with atrophied emotions, and vice versa. In an isolated individual (the present person), smell will not connect with the emotional; we might add that the reflection has no smell and the image that appears is distorted (by the water and the colour of the mirror). The ‘I’ sought in the reflection does not exist, it does not give off an aroma, it is a fragmented reality in which we search in anguish for a ghostly, non-existent essence.
    But the mirror, in its origins, lends itself to a different kind of knowledge, analogical and spiritual. It invites the spirit to free itself from the sensible and pay the cause from the effect; that is, to examine the world through intelligence and arrive at the essences. The famous ‘know thyself’. Deprived of reality, the reflection affords access to the sign. The mirror invites the gaze to transcend appearances, but what happens if the mirror distorts? If it is foggy or cloudy? If some extraneous element blocks the sight of it? The disturbed mirror sifts the real and dyes it with a mantle of delicate sadness, confusion and silent lament. In this way the already misty air that every reflected image has is accentuated.

    This curious object, first offered to human kind to enable us to better understand our soul and triumph over our vices, is currently perverted and used for shamefully material purposes. Luxury, excess and the dominance of the senses have distorted its use. The mirror now appears to fill up and mourn an absent reality. Without functionality and with extreme freedom, today’s object-persons are left without a soul, without symbolism. A liquid reality, damp and melancholy. There also appears, in a baroque turn of the screw, contact in the reflection. Things, appearances and products multiply: each object superimposed on its surface multiplies the reflection. Interferences impede the formal encounter, distorting and filtering the experience of the encounter with the I. The image appears blurred and we can only recognize ourselves now in scattered fragments. The I acquires a taste for knowing itself as another, it is liberated. There is less strangeness. But the proliferation of reflections ends up dispersing and undermining the individual, hopelessly confusing us.

    Reflection of the reflection, it is hard to see oneself in these manipulated mirrors. Identity is ever more distant, doubly distant. ‘Aggressive mirrors, empty mirrors, blurred mirrors: these specular disorders
    always reveal a serious identity crisis.’ It seems to point to a state of psychic disorganization, a strange kind of anamorphosis. The subject seems to be a stranger to herself who tries to recognize herself in the few scattered fragments that the manipulated mirror allows her (I realize that I am not only incapable of representing the human being but I also prevent her from mimetically finding herself in her reflection); In this way, the very notion of the subject is called into question and is dismembered. There appear only chance effects, dispersions: anonymous and fragmentary Is looking without recognizing themselves, seeing only a being looking at a being being looked at. The loss of identity, the confusion of oneself with the other, with other. Interchangeable identities. Mirrors that therefore reveal nothing, that simply immerse themselves in the anonymity of the person. ‘Mute surface,’ as Borges rightly observed in pointing the present-day world of immediacy, imitation and oblivion: ‘where all is event and nothing is memory.’
    Broken mirrors, simulation, confusion and emptiness. Chaos and unintelligibility. The humanistic injunction to know thyself is replaced by indifference and decomposition; it no longer possesses a symbolic function.

    As every psychiatrist knows, the deterioration of the mirror image is one of the clear signs of dementia, with total indifference being the last stage of that condition. Disillusion and tedium, impersonality. The individual herself transformed into a mere image, omnipotence of appearance.

    Jorge Perianes

    Descripción formal:
    Nota olfativa: Humedad
    Descripción de la nota:
    agua, papel mojado, moho

    Texto del autor de la obra:
    De pequeña tenía un vestido verde i yo siempre lo llamaba el vestido de la lechuga, y nunca el vestido verde. No me he acordado hasta hace poco, en ver estas fotos.
    El jardín de las fotos es el mismo jardín de la mi infancia, con la hiedra, los pilares y las macetas con lilas, cerrado. En inverno siempre me olvidaba que había un jardín y lo veía sólo enmarcado por las ventanas, y era en verano que me asaltaban toda esta variedad de verdes y los bichos.
    Seguramente que alguna vez he vagueado entre la hiedra acabada de regar con mi vestido de lechuga (y no me he acordado hasta ahora). Que pena que nadie hiciese fotos.
    Me lo imagino en medio de un gran calor de agosto, como cuando hice estas.
    En medio de un calor que hace olor.

    Descripción general:
    Título: CAMUFLAJE
    Autor de la obra: AGRELA, ANGELES
    Año de la obra: 2000
    Modalidad: Fotografia

    Descripción formal:
    Nota olfativa: Champan/Aromas
    Descripción de la nota:
    licorosa, fiesta, espuma

    Texto del autor de la obra:

    El perfume es el confeti del olfato.

    Joan Brossa

    Descripción general:

    Título: LA COPA DEL NAS
    Autor de la obra: BROSSA, JOAN
    Año de la obra: 1995
    Modalidad: Escultura

    Descripción formal:
    Nota olfativa: Floral
    Descripción de la nota:
    geranio, rosa, lilas, clavel, violeta, madreselva, jacinto

    Texto del autor de la obra:

    Disparo de flor (Título aleatorio)

    Hay olores que ni la imaginación nos autoriza a poder gozar…¿Qué es un disparo de flor? ¿El sueño de una semilla? ¿Huele un deseo? Hay artistas que intentan decir aquello que todavía no saben…

    Antoni LLena

    Descripción general:
    Autor de la obra: LLENA, ANTONI
    Año de la obra: 1992
    Modalidad: Escultura

    Descripción formal:
    Nota olfativa: Agreste-herbácea
    Descripción de la nota:
    lavanda, espliego, romero,  laurel, salvia, tomillo, orégano, apio, comino

    Texto del autor de la obra:

    Olor, presencia del rostro.
    Rostro, bañado de ojos.
    Ojos abiertos, que lloran.
    Lloran lágrimas complejas de olor.
    Olor a sal.
    Sal del Mediterráneo.
    Mediterráneo ya, vivido.
    Vivido dejà vu (ya visto)
    Visto los ojos
    Que evocan vívidos recuerdos

    Descripción general:
    Autor de la obra: CALVO, CARMEN
    Año de la obra: 2013
    Modalidad: Collage​

    Nota olfativa:
    Composición de la Nota olfativa:
    Humo, ahumados, alquitrán de madera, abedul, labdanum, styrax.

    Título: NASESPINES 2
    Año de la obra: 2004/2005
    Modalidad: escultura
    Dimensiones (cm): 60 x 32 x 23 cm.
    Material: Cartón-espinas

    Nota olfativa:
    Composición de la Nota olfativa:
    Flores, frutas, cítricos, verde, maderas, vainilla, almizcle

    Título:  LUZNAS
    Año de la obra: 2015
    Modalidad: escultura
    Dimensiones (cm): 140 x 160 cm.
    Material: Neón

    Nota olfativa:
    Composición de la Nota olfativa:
    Verde naturaleza, floral, lino, cloros, lejías.

    Año de la obra: 2004
    Modalidad: escultura
    Dimensiones (cm): 54 x 80 cm.
    Material: Madera-poliuretano

    Nota olfativa:

    Composición de la Nota olfativa:
    Algas marinas, pescado.

    Título: SARDINAS
    Año de la obra: 2016
    Modalidad: fotografia
    Dimensiones (cm): 100 x 75 cm.
    Material: Fotografia-sobre base de metal