As always, we are passionate about collaborating with great institutions, especially local ones, and even more so when the projects are linked to artistic disciplines.


Oh!pera project.

Aug 27, 2024 | Activities

Whenever we collaborate with an institution, we try to do so from the perspective of scent. This time, we had the opportunity to collaborate within the framework of the Grec Festival of Barcelona, with the Liceu and its Òh!pera project, specifically by contributing the essence for one of the pieces selected for the 2024 season.

For those who are not yet familiar with the Òh!pera project, it was launched three seasons ago thanks to a collaboration between the Gran Teatre del Liceu and the Barcelona City Council, through the Disseny Hub. Its purpose is to open the doors of the opera world to young creators from various artistic fields: composers, librettists, stage directors, singers, musicians, lighting designers, and design school students. This project materializes in the creation of three contemporary operas, each 30 minutes long, which are performed in a single evening in three unusual spaces within the Gran Teatre del Liceu.

For this year’s season, three pieces have been selected:
– Eliza: It presents a woman who discovers that her partner is an artificial intelligence capable of controlling her thoughts.
– Azul como una naranja: It tells the story of Sergei Krikalev, the astronaut who spent 311 days trapped aboard the Mir space station while the Soviet Union was collapsing.
– Contradir la nit: It takes us on a whirlwind journey of two lovers through the underground and wild Barcelona, revealing the true identity of the city.

It is in this last piece, Contradir la Nit, in which one the Fundación Ernesto Ventós, has been able to bring that distinctive touch we love so much, proposing a fragrance for the microopera. The chosen essence for the piece is called BARRIS DE BARCELONA and perfectly complements both the staging of the micro-opera and its narrative, as this perfume is a blend of the various smells and essences of Barcelona that emerge during the performance.

As always, we are passionate about collaborating with great institutions, especially local ones, and even more so when the projects are linked to artistic disciplines. This time, our commitment has deepened, as we are motivated by the idea of contributing to a better future for opera. A future focused on embracing a new generation of professionals from various fields, exploring new aesthetics for contemporary operatic proposals, and committing to attracting new audiences eager to discover aesthetic universes full of promises.